Racial Equity with Intentionality

Racial Equity with Intentionality On January 13th I joined in a virtual workshop on the subject of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) entitled Racial Equity with Intentionality offered by The Nonprofit Partnership, in conjunction with Aspire.  The goal of this workshop was to define different ‘lanes’ of equity and prepare administrators in the nonprofit sector…

Tips for Utilizing Outdoor Venues that are Open (gardens, trails, etc) to Help Educate, Enlighten and Entertain kids

by Lori Whalen, ENC Assistant Director It’s true most outdoor venues seem to be re-opening, so families can go to parks, the beach, hiking, and camping just as they always would have. The ENC is open for Camp (but not to the public), so we’ve developed a list of natural places that are currently open,…

Paper Plate Snake Kite

Materials Paper plates Markers / Paint / Colored Pencils / Crayons Scissors Hole Puncher Yarn or twine Directions 1. Draw a spiral shape onto a paper plate with a marker. 2. Use markers/paint/colored pencils/crayons to make designs/patterns on the entire surface of the paper plate. 3. Once the plate is dry, cut along the spiral…

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