Environmental Nature Center Legacy Gifts
What will you leave for future generations to develop an appreciation for nature? By making a charitable bequest to the Environmental Nature Center in your will or estate plan you will enable the ENC to provide hands-on experiences with nature for our future generations. The ENC’s estate and gift planning program was established as a tool to build the ENC’s endowment fund as seeds for future growth and financial stability.
Ways to Give to the ENC
Outright Gifts
Benefits to Donor(s)*
Receive instant credit and full income tax deduction.
Securities (Publicly Traded)
Receive instant credit, full income tax deduction and capital gain tax savings.
Real Estate
Receive instant credit, full income tax deduction and capital gain tax savings.
Deferred Gifts
Benefits to Donor(s)*
Bequests. Support the ENC through your will or living trust.
Allows donor(s) to make a substantial gift while still providing for one’s personal financial needs as well as estate tax savings.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Avoid capital gain on asset sale while enjoying continuing cash flow from proceeds for life and partial income tax deduction
Real Estate that donor(s) retain for life.
Life use of property with income tax deduction and estate tax savings.
* Please consult with your tax advisor as to the benefits to which you may be entitled with respect to any charitable gift. All deductions would be subject to applicable limits.
For additional information please contact the ENC Office at (949) 645-8489 x101 or email Bo@ENCenter.org