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About Us

Founded in 1972, the Environmental Nature Center, known simply to thousands of visiting students through the years as “The ENC”, is a fascinating combination of 15 California native plant communities (ranging from desert, to oak woodland, to fresh water marsh, to redwood forest); wildlife habitats; walking trails; and sustainably designed, LEED Platinum certified learning center. For over four decades the ENC has been shaped and caressed into a 5 acre landscape for learning, a sanctuary from life’s pressures and a place of preservation and instruction. Serving over 28,000 students and thousands of visitors annually, the ENC is recognized as a leader in science and social science education providing opportunities for increasing our community’s knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the natural world. The ENC is a non-profit 501(c)-3 public benefit corporation. Download our brochure HERE. Descargue nuestro folleto AQUÍ.

The ENC is not a wildlife rehabilitation center. For a list of Orange County wildlife rehabilitation centers, click HERE.

Zero Waste

To reduce our impact on the Earth’s resources and address waste management issues moving forward into the next millennium, the ENC is committed to diverting 95% or more of its waste from the landfill. Please review our Zero Waste Policy prior to visiting the Center.


To provide transformative experiences through connection with nature.


Our vision is to provide equitable access and inspire all to protect the natural world by serving as our community’s leader in ecological responsibility, sustainable practices and environmental education.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement

Land Acknowledgement

We at the Environmental Nature Center (ENC) acknowledge that the land we are situated on today is the ancestral home of the Tongva and Acjachemen People. It is important to honor, recognize and respect the history and contributions of the indigenous communities that stewarded this land prior to the establishment of the ENC, ENC Nature Preschool and the ENC Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary. We strive to respect and protect this land, while continually honoring the legacy of indigenous people. This acknowledgement honors their relationship with the land, advances equity, creates authentic connections to Nature, and is a step toward further learning and action.

Core Values

We respect each person who comes to the Center, striving to provide equitable access, and in return respect for our natural environment.

We accept personal responsibility and work hard every day to be good stewards of our resources, accountable to our membership and committed to our mission.

We commit to the work necessary to inspire our community to live sustainably and taking responsibility to protect our natural world.

We are consistent and honest by making certain our actions match our message.

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