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Ways to Save the Earth

Here are some ENC Staff Tips to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle! If we forgot something, please email us! Buy these inexpensive items to save the planet: Use a reusable water bottle Bring your own reusable utensils/straw Use cloth napkins & towels instead of paper Carry reusable To Go containers for leftovers Use re-usable shopping bags everywhere you shop. Use re-usable produce bags and shop in the bulk section Use silicone baking sheets and cupcake holders instead of disposable paper. Use a reusable razor instead of disposable Use a bamboo toothbrush, compost it when it gets old Use green cleaning products, or make your own Use green personal products, or make your own Buy used clothes & household items (thrift store shopping) Use laundry soap…

Sustainable DIY Beauty Products

Our education intern, Sam, shows us how to make four sustainable beauty products at home with ingredients you already have in your pantry! Watch her tutorial here. Easy Oatmeal Cleanser: Ingredients: Raw oatmeal Steps: Blitz oats in a blender or grind with a mortar and pestle until oats are a fine powder Add a small amount of water to the oats and rub together between your hands Apply to your face and scrub Zero Waste Coffee Body Scrub: Ingredients: 5 tsp leftover coffee grounds ¾ cup brown sugar 1 tbsp coconut oil Steps: Mix all ingredients together until well combined Add to a jar to be used Honey Oatmeal Facial Mask Ingredients: 1 tbsp ground oatmeal 1 tbsp raw honey Yield: One mask Steps: Mix…

The Sea Level is Rising. Where do we go from here?

An Evening with Gary Griggs July 18, 2018 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Free and open to all. The Environmental Nature Center is hosting a talk featuring speaker Gary Griggs, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His speciality is the study of diverse ways in which coastal hazards affect human settlement and the development of the coastal region. Come learn about how fragile the coastal zone, home to nearly half of the world’s population, really is, and how future sea-level rise is one of the greatest challenges facing human civilization. With about 150 million people around the world living within three-feet of high tide, and hundreds of millions more within a few more feet, increased coastal population is impacting this often-fragile…

Off to a Good Start: Designing Eco-Friendly Weddings on a Budget

by Jennifer Dawson, Freelance Contributor An estimated $72 billion is spent on 2.4 million weddings each year. The amount of waste wedding ceremonies generate is horrendous with more than a billion tonnes of trash and 66 tonnes of CO2 produced in just one day. More couples also spend time on planning an outstanding guest experience to make their weddings memorable. If you are planning to tie the knot soon, why not opt for a green wedding? Contrary to preconceived notions, eco-friendly ceremonies are not as difficult to organize nor are they more expensive than traditional ones. It is possible to plan a green wedding on a reasonable budget without going into personal loans and debts.   Work on a Budget Like any other event, a budget is…

Rainwater Harvesting… Whats the catch?

No one likes leaks. Left unseen, the water can ruin your beloved possessions drip by steady drip. Most people know the quick fix-placing a pot beneath the leak until the rain stops. All good, right? The leak inside our house may be the one we notice, but if you look outside, you’ll realize there’s another leak we always ignore-the rain itself. It falls on the roof, runs along walls and, once thoroughly polluted, ends up down drains. It’s a lot bigger than a roof leak but it has an equally easy fix: a rain barrel. Capturing rainwater isn’t a new idea. Even Thomas Jefferson harvested rainwater to brew his beer. Today, however, our interest is more of necessity than curiosity. This year’s unexpected rain may…

Get there, Greener with the ENC and OCTA

Gas prices are soaring in Orange County and the ENC is just as fed up with paying over $4 for a gallon of gas as you are! Guess what? Alternatives do exist and the ENC is partnering with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to bring them directly to you. On Thursday, March 1 at 6 p.m., the ENC will host its “Getting there, Greener” program, alongside OCTA representatives, in an effort to get people out of their cars and onto a bus, train, bicycle, or into a ridesharing program. Come by the ENC to find out how easy, inexpensive, and eco-friendly riding the bus actually is! Everyone attending the program will learn the bus-riding basics – how to ride, reading a schedule, riding tips,…

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