Home / Volunteer / Adults


Volunteers created the ENC and continue to contribute a significant portion of the skills, effort and time required to run the Center.  Opportunities include:

Grounds Volunteers

Grounds volunteers are needed to help weed, plant, maintain the trails and pick-up litter. Groups of adults that would like to schedule a volunteer day to work out on the grounds should contact our Horticulture Manager.


  • Volunteers should each bring a re-usable water bottle filled with water. Single use disposable plastic is not allowed on any ENC Campus.
  • Closed toed shoes are required. Please clean shoes before coming to avoid the spread of weed seed and pathogens.
  • Please have everyone visiting review our Zero Waste Policy.
  • Review our “How to Dress to Volunteer” video.
  • If you will be planting, review our “How to Plant a Plant” video.
  • Do not bring any tools or gloves, to avoid the spread of weed seed and pathogens.
  • Before volunteering, please complete the volunteer application, HERE.

We also recommend:

  • Sun protection (hat, sunscreen, sunglasses)
  • Both the ENC Main Campus and Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary have Poison Oak. Tucker also has rattlesnakes. Long pants and long sleeves are recommended.

Museum Docents

Volunteer Hours: Weekends 10AM – 12:30PM, 12:30PM – 3PM. Weekday docents are also needed (8AM to 12:30 and 12:30 – 5PM).

Interested in spending time helping out at the Environmental Nature Center? Museum Docents staff the front desk, greet visitors, and provide information at the ENC’s state-of-the-art learning facility. Training will cover frequently asked questions, emergency info, and ENC policies and procedures. Join our team! Commit to volunteering one day a week or just one day a month! Applications for this position are currently ON HOLD. Once they are open again we encourage interested volunteers to apply and read the Museum Docent Manual.  Fill out and sign the last page for the manual, and return it to the ENC.  Once we receive it we will contact you to arrange additional training once positions are open. Contact Lori for more info!


Internship Positions

Do you have something meaningful to bring to the table?  Want to add some experience to your résumé?  The ENC is seeking a few great Interns who are motivated “self starters.”  Like most non-profits, we have a lot that needs to get done, and not always enough time to do it.  Learn all about our internship opportunities HERE.

The ENC does not accept volunteers who are volunteering as a requirement of a court, probation department, judicial officer, etc. The ENC does accept volunteers who are volunteering for school, as professional development, or for altruistic reasons.

ENC Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the ENC in Newport Beach or at the ENC Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary in Modjeska Canyon. Once you complete this application we will enter your information into our volunteer database and contact you via email when volunteer opportunities are scheduled. You will be able to register to volunteer by clicking on a link in that email.
  • We will let you know when volunteer opportunities are scheduled!
  • I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Environmental Nature Center and any of their officers, agents or employees from any liability, claim or action for damages resulting from, or in any way arising out of, the participation in the program by the person registered as a volunteer.
  • I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Environmental Nature Center and any of their officers, agents or employees from any liability, claim or action for damages resulting from, or in any way arising out of, my participation in this program.
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