Leaders in Training
“Leaders in Training” are amazing high school students that help with Nature Camps during school breaks. This is a perfect opportunity for volunteers who enjoy working with children, and it provides an excellent experience to include on a resume or college application. Although it is a volunteer position, applicants must interview to be eligible. Students, not parents, are responsible for communicating with ENC staff regarding the Leaders in Training opportunity.
LiT Applications now being accepted!
- Presidents Week Camp (ENC): February 17 – 21
- Tucker Spring Camp: March 31 – April 4
- ENC Spring Break Camp: April 7 – 11
Orientation is Mandatory for all LIT’s!
- LIT orientation lasts 1.5 hours and may be shorter depending on number of attendees.
- Orientation will cover a tour of the ENC grounds, a PowerPoint detailing what to expect at nature camp, an overview of camp policies, a rundown of fun icebreaker games to play with your camp group, camp tips and tricks, and an opportunity for you all to ask questions! Bring a reusable water bottle!
Positions are open until filled. Once we receive your application and reference form we need time to review it before contacting you to schedule an in person interview. Students that have volunteered as an LiT at the ENC in the past do not need to interview, but they do need to attend training before each camp.
ALL Leaders in Training are required to attend training before each camp that they volunteer for.
Once we receive your application and reference form we will contact you to schedule an interview. Experienced L.I.T.’s, that have volunteered as LITs at the ENC in the past, need not submit a reference form or interview.
- Students must be enrolled in High School (Summer L.I.T.’s can be entering high school in the Fall).
- The Leader in Training Application and Reference Form must be submitted before we call you to schedule your interview. Just send the reference form link to an adults who is not a parent, so they can complete it online. Links to these forms will be on this page once we are accepting applications again.
- You must have been interviewed by a Camp Director before volunteering, unless you have been an LIT at the ENC in the past.
- ALL Leaders in Training are required to attend training before volunteering.
- Please bring school paperwork that we need to fill out on your last day of volunteering.
When is the deadline to submit my application? Positions are open until filled. Once we receive your application and reference form we need time to review it before contacting you to schedule an in person interview. All of this must occur before training.