It is being revealed that children these days are spending little to no time outside. In fact, “Children spend less time outside each day than prison inmates do in the United States. Inmates are guaranteed two hours of outdoor time daily, whereas one in two children is outside for less than an hour. A recent survey of 12,000 parents in 10 countries, who have children aged five to 12, found that one-third of kids spend under 30 minutes outside each day” (
During the winter, this statistic gets even worse, and it does not need to. There are plenty of ways to get your class out of their desks and outside for some fun learning activities. Outdoor play is crucial for a child’s imagination and health. Just because it’s a bit chillier, does not mean it is an excuse to keep them inside.
Join the ENC staff as they present ways to teach your students about the weather during these winter days on November 15 at Teachers Night Out. Your kids will love the chance to be participating in hands on activities outside despite the shorter and colder days.
This is also a fun night out for educators as well. Enjoy a light meal, wine, and a campfire with other educators to share tips and tricks and enjoy time with adults.
– Tori Jankovich, ENC Communications Intern