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Walk with a Fun Guy and look for some Fungi

Gregg Miller leading a Mushroom Walk at the ENC in 2005.  Courtesy of the LA Times.

Gregg Miller leading a Mushroom Walk at the ENC in 2005. Courtesy of the LA Times.

Local wildlife biologist Greg Miller has been leading mushroom walks at the Environmental Nature Center since 2004.  He only does it once a year, and THIS SATURDAY (January 18 at 1PM) is your only chance to take a Mushroom Walk with Gregg at the ENC in 2014! Mushrooms usually grow when the weather is wet, but for some reason – despite the dry weather we’re having this Winter – the ENC still has a variety of mushrooms popping up throughout the Center.  

Gregg once worked picking wild mushrooms and selling them to stores and restaurants.  

“With mushrooms it’s like a grown-up Easter egg hunt, because you do not know what you’re going to find,” said Gregg.

Click HERE to sign up for Gregg’s Mushroom Walk this Saturday!

Click HERE to read an article in the Daily Pilot about one of Gregg’s walks at the ENC in 2005, another dry year.

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