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Welcome aboard, Nathan!

Nathan_smallThe ENC has a new marketing intern! Nathan Serafin is a recent graduate from UC Berkeley with a BS in Society and Environment and a concentration in U.S. Environmental Policy and Management. He minored in English, and was a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.

While at Berkeley, Nathan was involved with “Alternative Breaks,” a service-learning program assisting students in exploring social issues. There he underwent a year of leadership training under UC Berkeley faculty, built a coalition of students and businesses, taught a class about contemporary food justice and sustainability issues, managed the group blog, and acted as liaison with local media.

After graduating Nathan honed his communication skills even more when he spent four months interning with Congressman Alan Lowenthal.

“I applied for an internship with the ENC to practice my communication skills to promote environmental awareness,” said Nathan. “I hope to learn new ways to convey the importance of conservation and caring for the environment.”

Nathan began developing an interest in the environment during a lecture about climate change in high school, so he understands the importance of environmental education. He pursued an internship at the ENC because he admired the Center’s dedication to environmental education, and the way we reach out to the community.

“The Environmental Nature Center exemplifies a mindset that connects society to its surrounding environment, a concept that is undeniable, especially considering today’s circumstances,” said Nathan.

As a future urban planning student with an environmental mindset, Nathan is interested in helping expand and grow the ENC’s methods of communication.

“I am interested in building on my experience in public outreach from my recent congressional internship,” said Nathan. “The ENC Marketing Internship duties also compliment many of the skills that I gleaned through my college coursework.”

Nathan hopes to someday use his skills working alongside public officials to help place more environmental emphasis on policymaking.

For more information on our Internship program, please visit our website. – Lori Whalen, Education & Community Relations Director

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