The ENC Staff were asked what they were most looking forward to when Nature Camp starts next week. This is what they said:
Lori: Summer Camp time is my favorite part of the year! I love that our campers are able to spend time in Nature all day, for days at a time – it has so much impact! Kids can get outdoors and get creative at the ENC. I’m especially excited about a new thing we’re trying out this Summer called “Campy Awesomeness”. Once a week all of the kids in Camp will get together to participate in some good old fashioned traditional camp activities. I can’t wait to see what our Camp Teachers come up with! My absolute favorite part of Camp (of course) is singing at the log area and making memories together.
Sarah: I am most excited to be part of a program that encourages children to go out, explore the outdoors, and get dirty. I think that campers making some really cool, recycled crafts will be really fun! Summer is my favorite time of the year, because that’s when I get to spend time with the campers and all the new friends they made!
Alex: I am looking forward to seeing some of the same campers from last year, and seeing how they have grown up. This year we are going to try new activities, including some things that we’ve never done. One of my favorite parts of Summer Nature Camp is working with kids who are new to camp, and helping to open the ENC up to them. We also have some new presenters this summer, people who have never presented at the ENC! And most importantly we will all be making sure to drink lots of water to stay hydrated!
Sama: I can’t wait for time-traveler week where the campers can help California Gnat Catchers by planting more sagebrush in honor of Margaret Mead, who said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead.
Leslie: This summer is going to be really fun because I will be teaching the middle school kids in camp. I’ll be teaching them how to do different types of important things, like how to use voicemail.
Bo: I can’t wait for this summer’s camp because my child will be a camper! She will be a part of the ENC family.
For more info on Nature Camp please visit our website. – Jeff Garrett, ENC Intern