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Funding Resources

Grant Opportunities and “Green” Fundraising Ideas for School Field Trips


The following list of organizations may provide funding for school field trips and/or transportation for field trips. While this list is brief, it provides a starting point for educators and parents who wish to obtain financial support for student learning experiences outside of the classroom.

For additional grant opportunities, visit the California Regional Environmental Education Community (CREEC) website.  CREEC’s website includes a variety of resources that may sponsor field trips and/or school projects. These resources range from federal and state agencies, to school districts and parent-teacher organizations, as well as local businesses and community service clubs. Further Internet research is another option for locating monetary assistance.

Fundraising events may offer more opportunities for financing field trips and/or transportation. There are many companies that offer products intended for school fundraisers. However, the organizations included here concentrate on products that endeavor to be ecologically and/or socially responsible, or that recycle items which would otherwise be disposed of in a landfill.

Granting Organizations:

  • Inspired Teacher Grant Program

    • The Inspired Teacher Grants present an opportunity for Orange County public & charter school teachers to seek funding for projects, field trips, tools, materials or ideas that will present an enrichment opportunity for their students & enhance the educational experience of their classroom, department, or school.
    • Apply HERE.

image of money tree

  • Bostitch Creativity in the Classroom Grant
    • Share your lesson plan and win a $250 grant for your classroom.
    • Bostitch believes creativity in our schools and classrooms should be encouraged and developed every day. By fostering creative thinking, expression, and individuality in our youth, teachers have a hand in shaping a better future for us all.
  • P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children’s Education
    • TheP. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children’s Education is devoted to promoting the use of art in the classroom, especially as a means to teach children with learning differences.
    • For educators who need assistance to further their in-school program goals, the Moss Foundation has grants available to teachers to integrate visual art into their classroom curriculum, for up to $1,000. Applications will only be accepted May – September.
  • Kids in Need Foundation
    • The Kids in Need Foundation is dedicated to engaging students in the learning process by providing grants towards the purchase of supplies for students to participate in special classroom learning experiences.
    • Kids in Need Teacher Grants help pre-K-12 educators develop innovative learning opportunities for their students. The purpose of the grants is to provide support for classroom teachers who have meritorious ideas but lack the budget to bring them to life.
    • Funded projects should make creative use of common teaching aids, approach the curriculum from an imaginative angle, or tie nontraditional concepts together for the purpose of illustrating commonalities.
    • Approximately 300 to 400 grants from $100 to $500 are awarded each year. The application deadline is September 30, 2015.
    • Apply HERE.
  • Captain Planet Foundation
    • Proposal must promote understanding of environmental issues
    • Field trip must be supplemented by semester-long lesson plan & post-trip contact w/foundation
    • DOES NOT fund transportation costs
  • Toshiba Education Grant
    • Grants are for Science and Math for more than $5,000
    • Grant applications for $5,000 or less are accepted on a rolling basis
    • Teachers for grades 6-12 may apply
  • NEA Student Achievement Grants
    • Available in the form of Student Achievement grants to K-8 public school educators
    • Grant amount is $2,000 or $5,000
  • Gannett Foundation Community Action Grant
    • Average grant amount is in the $1,000 – $5,000 range
    • Applicants are notified of final decisions about 90-120 days after deadlines
    • Community Action Grant priorities include education and neighborhood improvement, economic development, youth development, community problem-solving, assistance to disadvantaged people, environmental conservation and cultural enrichment.
  • The W.K. Kellogg Foundation
    • The W.K. Kellogg Foundation believes it is important to walk alongside prospective grantees to accomplish goals of mutual interest
    • They are most interested in reviewing new and innovative ideas aimed at helping vulnerable children succeed
  • The Nature Conservancy
    • Grants to support projects that implement green infrastructure to address local environmental challenges. These include: access to healthy food, air quality, heat island effect, climate change, and storm water collection.
    • Grants of $2,000 will be awarded up to 50 public or charter schools across the United States.
    • See the detailed grant description linked on this page for full requirements, guidelines, important dates, and online application information. Samples of an application, an applicant commitment letter, and an administration letter of support are also available.

Other Great Grant Opportunities!

School Fundraisers

  • Equal Exchange Fundraising
    • Equal Exchange offers catalog fundraising featureing 100% Organic & Fair Trade foods and gifts from small farmers and artisans around the globe.
    • Raise 40% profit, catalogs and posters are free.
  • Phoneraiser
    • No cost to sign up for program; collects all brands used cell phones & ink jet cartridges
    • Reuses/refurbishes viable phones, and recycles non-viable phones according to EPA guidelines; ink jet cartridges are recycled and then reused in the marketplace
    • Pays for shipping of collected phones/ink jet cartridges and sends check to school.
  • Smencils
    • “Gourmet” scented pencils made from 100% recycled newspapers
    • Sells variety of scents & colors in different size packages (kits, packs, buckets)
    • Company advertises from 45% – 49% profit, depending on quantity ordered and sold
    • Free shipping


Other Fundraising Ideas for Educators, Parents, and Students

  • Movie Night/Popcorn Sales: Hold a movie night in the auditorium and sell cheap tickets.

    Some things you’ll need: recycled copy paper and school copy machine to make tickets; movie projector/DVD projector and screen or white wall; movies; rental popcorn machine/microwave; popcorn; small bags for popcorn; also offer beverages for sale

  • Rummage Sale: Sell gently used toys, clothes, books, and household items to the community.

    Some things you’ll need: place to hold sale (school field or auditorium); tables, boxes, and/or blankets to hold sale items; pens, cardboard, and stickers to price items and to make directional signs to sale; items to sell (with parents’ permission first, of course); beverages and snacks to sell

  • Walk/Run/Jog-A-Thon: Get family and friends to sponsor students by paying per lap, etc.

    Some things you’ll need: sponsor sign-up sheets for each student or class; place to run (school field/playground); water/snacks for participants; boom box with music; friends, family, teachers, and principal to act as cheerleaders for students.

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