Home / Nature Camp / The Order of the Raven Helps Middle School Kids Take Flight

The Order of the Raven Helps Middle School Kids Take Flight


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There are few programs that bear such gravitas in a name like The Order of the Raven, and it’s for good reason; The Order of the Raven integrates fluid learning styles for middle schoolers as they garner new methods of self-sufficiency and discovery.

The Order of the Raven is an eight-day camp brimming with activities for the curious mind as new learning opportunities flow from one event to the next. What makes it unique is that while activities such as career-exploring and responsible tool-wielding are part of the planned curriculum, new opportunities to learn are abundant.

“We build a certain amount of flexibility into our day, so that we can go where curiosity leads,” says Leslie Helliwell, the Museum Collection Manager and Naturalist at the ENC. “A lesson on fire safety might lead to experimenting to find the optimal marshmallow-roasting method. We’re less about the destination, more about the journey.”

The Order of the Raven also acknowledges that learning is a lifetime endeavor; it encourages young “fledglings” to return to the ENC with the valuable experience they have gathered and pass it on to the center’s visitors: “Ravens have helped us as museum docents, LITs during enrichment camps, and Spring Faire volunteers,” says Leslie. “Order of the Raven is my favorite time of the year, and I can’t wait to see where this year’s adventures lead us!”

If you and your middle-schooler are interested in enrolling in the Order of the Raven program, click HERE for more information on how to sign up. We can’t wait to see you spread your wings! – Nathan Serafin, ENC Communications Intern

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