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Newport Bay Scavenger Hunt Returns!

Duffy Ducks 2014Hey nature lovers! Do you also love the open sea, matey? Well you’re in luck because on Thursday May 26th at 5:00pm the Environmental Nature Center will be presenting our 13th annual Newport Bay Scavenger Hunt. Hosted by Duffy Boats this event will include 12 teams who will board their own electric boat and compete against each other for the respect and honor of being victorious! Oh and did we mention prizes!? After the hunt the winners will be given fabulous treasure. Teams can sponsor a boat and enter this contest with a charitable donation of $600 to the ENC which will help support our many wonderful education programs. So get your sea legs ready for some good old fashion, friendly competition and a fun evening on the waters of the Newport Bay!

For more information go to encenter.org

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