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My Experience as an ENC Animal Care Intern

I had the greatest experience volunteering throughout my Senior year of high school as an Animal Care Intern at the Environmental Nature Center. I had the pleasure of working with happy and motivated people that sustain a great environment for our Animal Ambassadors in order to educate children, and even adults, about them and the habitat their wild brothers and sisters depend on to survive.

Besides feeding the animals and cleaning out their enclosures and habitats, I learned how to properly take care of them by making sure everything was in order, from their diet to how they behaved. I am working towards becoming a Registered Nurse. I have found that working with animals is similar to working with humans because we require careful attention in diets and behaviors a well. Of course, our anatomy is not the same, but starting with a smaller, delicate creature, gives a better understanding of how to work with humans. Thanks to this internship opportunity, I am motivated to work hard towards the career I want to be able to help others.

The ENC impacts the lives of children and adults from throughout Orange County. Over 28,000 visited last year to study the environment, gain respect for nature, and learn ecological responsibility and sustainable practices. 

The ENC would not be an educational resource in our community without wonderful supporters like you.  We are counting on your continued support, and now would be a great time to give.

Any gift you give to the Environmental Nature Center before MIDNIGHT, December 31 is tax deductible for 2018. Please make a year-end gift today to help us continue providing quality education through hands-on experience with nature. We are grateful for your gift, and genuinely appreciate every dollar we receive.

Thanks, and a Happy New Year to you.

-Allyn Osorio, former ENC Intern


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