Home / Making an Impact / Local Student’s Naturalist Career Shadow Project a Success!

Local Student’s Naturalist Career Shadow Project a Success!

Sara Wong_Science FairInterested in learning what it’s like to be a Naturalist at the ENC? Sara Wong loved her career shadow experience with the ENC, where she worked with our Naturalists after school for her middle school’s Science Fair. Sara’s project, entitled “The Environment Is Where We All Meet”, documented her experience, as she learned about the importance of sustainability, reusing, recycling, and taking care of our environment. “The most rewarding part of being at the ENC was being able to learn new things that I didn’t know before, like facts about water and seeing new plants that I never knew about,” she remembers. She also loved being around lots of kids and taking gorgeous pictures of the ENC’s beautiful and peaceful plant communities and wildlife habitats. Sara’s project was even chosen as the only career shadow project from her school to go on to the Long Beach Unified School District’s 19th Annual All District Science Fair on May 17th. Way to go, Sara! – Allie Garrett, ENC Intern

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