We have so many great Artisans at our Artisans Marketplace on December 3 from 11AM to 4PM. Here is info on two of our youngest Artisans:
“I am a high school student who is passionate about the environment. Jewelry making is one of my many talents. I love to play with my dog and hang out with my family.” – Karis Simons
“My name is Jadyn Coulter and I am 12 years old. I am one of the youngest members of the Orange County Scroll Saw Association, and I have been cutting wood for four years. I have three scroll saws at my grandpa’s house and my favorite one is the Excalibur. My favorite style for the scroll saw is compound cutting and intricate designs. I volunteered at the Imaginology Festival and the OC Fair this year to educate and encourage other young artists in the field of scroll sawing. I also enjoy handcrafting jewelry. I make angel earrings and crocheted beaded necklaces. My mom taught me how to make them and I have been creating many different varieties of them since then. This year will be my fourth year selling at the ENC Artisans Marketplace and I have made many fun memories since I started!” – Jadyn Coulter