Home / Eco-Friendly / ENC Artist of the Month: Patricia M. Gray

ENC Artist of the Month: Patricia M. Gray

1990678_origPatricia M. Gray is the featured local artist of the month at the ENC, and her work can be seen and purchased in the ENC Store. She has worked with many different kinds of materials and resources, including molten glass, self-taken photography, and tile art.  Gray thrives to be eco-friendly and uses recycled material to create art and jewelry that can be enjoyed by others.

When Patricia M. Gray was young she always seemed to have a creative touch, and has always found ways to express it in her work whether it is painting watercolors, redecorating homes, creating gardens, or trying Mixed Media techniques.  One of her most successful styles of work is taking something and re-working it in a new way, which can be seen by her work in the on-site ENC Store; this process, commonly known as upcycling, is popular in art and with recycled material, similar to Gray’s work. She sets a good example for other artists to take after her use of recycled material to create new and innovative art.

Come by the Environmental Nature Center to check out Gray’s work in our on-site store, and visit her website. – Jeff Garrett, ENC Intern

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