The Environmental Nature Center is closed to the public to keep our staff, volunteers and program participants safe. Please do not visit unless you are registered for a scheduled program. We’ve compiled a list of places that are currently open for you to explore, below! You can learn more about our scheduled programs HERE, and sign up to receive email notification when more programs are scheduled, HERE.
We ARE open for:
Community Programs: Mini Naturalist and Little Naturalist programs will be scheduled soon and you will be able to find them on our calendar, HERE. Only parties that pre-register will be allowed to attend programs.
Before & After School Nature Camps: This Fall the ENC is offering After School Nature Camp to enhance the education of children in our community. After School Nature Camp is currently being offered for kids enrolled in Kindergarten – 3rd grade this fall (at least 5 years old by Sept. 1). More info HERE.
Field Trips: At the Environmental Nature Center, learning occurs outdoors where the risk of infectious spread is lower. Part of the appeal for outdoor learning is that transmission of the virus is less likely outside, where air particles can disperse and people can more easily distance themselves from each other. The ENC is still available to provide field trips for your students. More info HERE.
Distance Learning: The ENC’s Distance Learning programs bring the field trip to YOU. Take a virtual hike with an ENC Naturalist as they present your program LIVE with easily accessible technology. Your students will have the ability to ask and answer questions about what they observe in real time. The ENC presents Distance Learning programs to preschool – 6th grade classes throughout the school year. The curricula for each program supports the Next Generation Science Standards for each grade level. More info HERE.
Traveling Naturalists: ENC Naturalists (and our Animal Ambassadors) are available to travel to your location to teach programs supporting the Next Generation Science Standards for each grade level. Students develop a coherent and scientifically-based view of the world around them as they engage in practices to build, deepen, and apply their knowledge. More info HERE.
Scout Programs: The ENC offers many programs to meet the requirements of both boy and girl scouts. Join one of our ENC Naturalists for a distance-learning scout program via Zoom! We’ll introduce them to one of our animal ambassadors, conduct an at home nature scavenger hunt, and use dramatic play to plan the perfect camping trip. More info HERE.
Nature Resources: We’ve compiled a list of places that are currently open for you to explore, HERE! We’ve also published this article with tips for how parents can utilize outdoor venues that are open (gardens, trails, etc) to help educate, enlighten and entertain kids.
The ENC is closely monitoring the latest developments around COVID-19/novel coronavirus. We are committed to the health and safety of our staff, volunteers, visitors as well as our community. You are our top priority.
For the most up-to-date information on 2019-nCoV, please visit and
Kind Regards,
The ENC Team.