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Corona del Mar High School football team Volunteers at ENC!

CDMHS_7-8-13_1About 70 players from the Corona del Mar High School football team are taking time during summer training camp to volunteer 175 hours at the Environmental Nature Center (ENC) Monday, July 8 through Thursday July 11 from 8:30am to 11:00am.  The student athletes will be helping ENC Grounds Manager Mike Swingholm spread mulch on the Center’s trails.

Volunteers created the ENC and continue to contribute a significant portion of the skills, effort and time required to run the Center.  About 600 local high school students volunteer at the ENC each year, giving over 5500 hours of their time.  Over 200 adults volunteer over 4000 hours each year as well.

CDMHS_7-8-13_2Under the direction of Head Coach Scott Meyer, the Corona del Mar High School Football Team has won the CIF Southern Section Southern Division Championship for the past two years and was last year’s undefeated Pacific Coast league champions with an overall team G.P.A of 3.25.

“We are grateful for the support of the community and want to do something to give back,” said Head Coach Scott Meyer.  “We selected the ENC because most of the players have grown up enjoying it and they now have the capacity to help with some heavy lifting. Our team’s work at the Environmental Nature Center not only gives back to the community but also is another lesson in responsibility for our players.”

Student volunteer opportunities at the ENC include “Habitat Helpers,” who assist the ENC on the grounds, with administrative work or program preparation.  Junior Naturalists help with student enrichment programs and Summer Camp during school breaks.  The ENC also invites mature, responsible students to participate in our service-learning internship program. Service Learning Projects include: Retail interns, Marketing/PR interns, Habitat Restoration interns, Compost Learning Lab interns, Butterfly House Docent interns, Museum Docent interns and Springtime Wildflower Junior Biologists. For more information on volunteering at the ENC please visit encenter.org/volunteer

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