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The Sea Level is Rising. Where do we go from here?

An Evening with Gary Griggs July 18, 2018 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Free and open to all. The Environmental Nature Center is hosting a talk featuring speaker Gary Griggs, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His speciality is the study of diverse ways in which coastal hazards affect human settlement and the development of the coastal region. Come learn about how fragile the coastal zone, home to nearly half of the world’s population, really is, and how future sea-level rise is one of the greatest challenges facing human civilization. With about 150 million people around the world living within three-feet of high tide, and hundreds of millions more within a few more feet, increased coastal population is impacting this often-fragile…

Shop Local at the ENC Artisan Marketplace this Holiday Season!

The Environmental Nature Center (ENC) will present the Artisan Marketplace on Sunday, December 7 from 10AM to 3PM.  Guests will walk the trails and shop for handmade gifts from local artisans offering a variety of eco-friendly, sustainable, arts and crafts. The inaugural event will feature over 60 artisans, 6 food vendors and 2 musical acts. For more info visit encenter.org/artisan-marketplace. “Local businesses are the heart of our community. The money we spend shopping at local small businesses is circulated back into our local economy, building a strong, economic infrastructure,” said ENC Outreach Coordinator Sama Wareh.  “Supporting local businesses also lowers carbon emissions and provides more employment for the community.” A furoshiki station will provide visitors with the opportunity to learn green ways to wrap gifts, and a…

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