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Distance Learning Resources for Educators

Greetings Fellow Educators!  With kids home from school, the ENC has shifted to providing learning opportunities from afar. Here is a list of distance learning resources cutared for you! ENC Distance Learning Programs The ENC’s Distance Learning programs bring field trips to students learning at home. Want to take a virtual hike with an ENC Naturalist? Visit our Distance Learning program to see what we have to offer! Your students will have the ability to ask and answer questions about what they observe in real time.  The curricula for each program supports the Next Generation Science Standards for each grade level. Our unique grade-specific programs enable students to participate year after year to build on previous learning. Students develop a coherent and scientifically-based view of the world around…

Get Outta the ‘Hood and Into the Woods!

by Rita Robinson, ENC Communications Intern Giving Back to What Nurtures Us All — Nature Show Your Students How to Give Back to Nature — Just in Time for the Holidays The word going around is that Thanksgiving has turned into Thanks-taking, especially with the biggest shopping frenzy day starting before the turkey even has time to digest. So ENC has decided to give back by showing teachers, homeschoolers, naturalists, scout leaders and any adult who cares about this planet some fun and scientific ways to encourage children’s inherent fascination with the awesomeness of nature. We all know what most kids (not to mention the rest of us) will be doing during Winter Break, ruining the curve of their necks, their eyesight and probably a…

Let the ENC Teach YOU!

by Chelsea Moreno, ENC Communications Intern Are you an elementary school teacher seeking out some great new NGSS activities? Don’t worry! The ENC has you covered with “Teachers Night Out!” Third through sixth grade teachers are invited to enjoy mini-workshops throughout the Nature Center and learn hands-on activities to teach Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) concepts in their own classrooms. Our Community Outreach Director, Sama Wareh, will demonstrate how teachers can connect Common Core Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards to the arts. She’ll teach a hands-on “magnet art” project students will love! Teachers will also engage in a hands-on activity using the scientific method to learn about aquatic ecosystems and interactions between abiotic and biotic factors along the trails of the After a couple…

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