Order of the Raven
When: June 25-28 and July 2, 3, 5 & 6, 9 – 3PM
Fee: $450 ($405 for members)
Age: entering 6th, 7th and 8th grade
Adult/Raven Ratio: up to 15 kids to one adult and at least one high school Leader in Training
Click HERE to see pics from the past.
Safety First
Campers will be given an opportunity to do activities they couldn’t when they were younger. With responsibility come rules. If you are unsafe there will be consequences. Ravens sign a contract on day one.
What will Ravens do?
Ravens will gain leadership skills (independence, self sufficiency). They will learn to do something one day, and have the opportunity to teach younger campers that skill the next day. They will be encouraged to bring a backpack each day with things they need (food, water bottle, etc.). They can eat snack when they want to, and the group will eat lunch together.
Order of the Raven is separate from the ENC’s regular Nature Adventure Camp (where campers range from kindergarten to 3rd grade), although Ravens will spend a little time almost every day teaching younger campers a skill. Joining the Order of the Raven is great experience for becoming a baby sitter or a Leader in Training (high school volunteers that assist with campers). In fact, graduates of the program are likely to be invited to be LIT’s immediately upon completion of the program! You will also have fun and develop friendships.
Campers may also enjoy walking field trips to local businesses within about a mile of the Center, where they will go on “behind the scenes” tours! Field trips are still being planned. If you have suggestions or own a local business, please let us know. Trips will be posted on this page as they are scheduled.
On their last day of camp Ravens will BE the LITs from 9AM to 10:30AM. Afterwards we will walk down to the Newport Aquatic Center and go kayaking to celebrate!
Feedback from Parents:
“Grant was showing off all the items in his Last Resort kit (Order of the Raven). Pretty cool! He was telling me all sorts of details about camp on the way home, and is looking forward to tomorrow. He must have had fun today, because I just walked into his room to remind him to take care of a chore, and he had fallen asleep! He NEVER takes a nap, so he must have been good and worn out. Thanks again” – Rachel
“What a day! My husband was joking when he asked when the safecracking lesson will be. 🙂 I think it is great to teach the kids these important skills, and their age is perfect to learn them. Love the last resort kits and the fact they learned that they can’t be taken to school and on flights. Real life stuff that will sink in. Can’t wait to hear about tomorrow! I am really impressed by what you are teaching the Students and Lacey loves being a Raven.” – Xandra
“Love it, Leslie!!! So awesome!” – Kathleen 🙂
“”I just wanted to say thank you for sending out these recaps of their days. Even my son, who can out talk me, is vague on the particulars of what you did by the end of the day. I imagine the other kids are likewise with their folks. Despite the short version answers I get to “how was your day?”, he has apparently been absorbing quite a bit, because he has at various times this week suddenly burst into enthusiastic explanations of the particulars of things like how to write thank you notes, leave phone messages, and bring a firm, but peaceful resolution to shovel wars. It’s quite entertaining.” – Raven Mom