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Little Naturalists Camp Newsletter

Drop Off & Pick-up

ARRIVAL TIME:  We are still working out the Winter Camp drop off schedule.  Stay tuned!  If your child is going to be late or absent, please let us know by calling 949-645-8489 ext. 102.

PICK UP: Little Naturalist Campers will be dropped off in front of the ENC main building.  Parents of Little Naturalist campers do have the option to park and escort their child inside.

SIGN-OUT:  Please be sure to sign your camper(s) out each day. We will request to see your ID on the first day, or whenever an unfamiliar person picks up your child.

Late Pick-up Policy:  Please be on time, and if you know you are going to be late, give us a call.  A donation of $5 per ea. 15 minutes late is suggested.

Little Naturalist Campers

Little Naturalists Camp 3

Little Naturalists Camp 2

Absences & Dress Code

ABSENCES: If your child will be late or absent, notify ENC staff by the morning of the absence.

CLOTHING: Little Naturalist Campers must be potty-trained and need to bring an extra pair of clothing and shoes on the first day of camp for the week. Sunscreen needs to be applied before campers arrive each morning.

Snack & Lunch Break

Little Naturalist campers will bring lunch and snacks daily to camp. Please pack your child’s snacks in separate containers, labeled with your child’s name.

The ENC is committed to diverting 95% or more of its waste from the landfill. Please review our Zero Waste Policy prior to visiting the Center. 

Staff, visitors, volunteers and campers may not bring any single use plastic water bottles or Styrofoam on site for any reason. Please read our Zero Waste policy.
To further clarify, the following items are not allowed onto ENC property:
  • Single use plastic water bottles, cups, straws, plates, utensils, or wrappers. 
  • Styrofoam “to go” containers, cups or plates.
  • Plastic grocery bags.

Behavior Policy

Campers must respect all human, animal, and plant life in the Center. Campers that physically abuse another camper, or an animal while at the ENC, will be dismissed from camp immediately. No exceptions to the policy will be allowed. The ENC encourages parents to support the Center’s Behavior Policy so that all campers will have a safe, fun, and educational experience at ENC Nature Camp.

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