The ENC has already begun to transform our new 1.3-acre property at 745 Dover Drive!
“Keep an eye on the new property when you drive down Dover,” said ENC Executive Director Bo Glover. “We’re developing some exciting new signage, removing non-native plants and soon we will be planting some natives.”
While the ENC continues fundraising for the new Nature Preschool and nature play area, we are making good use of the property.
The land has already been used for education, but not by preschoolers yet… During this week’s President’s Week Camp, campers took advantage of the expanse of land to learn how to use
compasses and how to build different types of shelters. They pitched tents and took shelter from the rain within them while they learned to tie knots!
Eventually the property will expand the ENC’s natural habitat and be home to the community’s first nature based preschool and nature play area. Preschoolers will spend the majority of their day outdoors, where they can learn while obtaining a quality education through hands-on experience with Nature.
For more information on the Capital Campaign and how you can help, click HERE. For more information on the Nature Preschool and to sign up on our interest list, click HERE.
– Jeff Garrett, ENC Intern