Home / Artisan Marketplace / Artisan Spotlight: Cala Mathieu

Artisan Spotlight: Cala Mathieu

Cala Mathieu is a non-binary ceramic artist from Costa Mesa and owner of Sweet Hearts and Star Ceramics. They are inspired by trippy love, dreamy visuals, bold patterns, and charming shapes. They embrace shades and colors that sing, and they hope they resonate with you as well. The process of making ceramics is intricate and unpredictable at times! Each of their pieces is unique and flawed in small and beautiful ways; each made with love. You can find them on Instagram @_cala_mathieu_, on their website https://sweetheartsandstars.bigcartel.com and at the #ENCArtisanMarketplace on December 5! More info at encenter.org/visit-us/artisan-marketplace

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