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Archives for December 2018

Condors & Cocktails come to the ENC!

The Environmental Nature Center (ENC) will celebrate the addition of a new life-sized California Condor display during the Condors & Cocktails fundraiser on January 23, 2019 at 5:30PM. Guests will enjoy hors d’oeuvres, wine donated by Esser Vineyards, and signature condor themed cocktails. Proceeds from the event, including a condor trivia contest and silent auction,…

Dedicating my life to help all creatures great and small

Hi, my name is Sabrina Pham. I have been volunteering at Environmental Nature Center since Spring of 2017. As a volunteer, I have earned a reputation for providing the best care and documenting the care for the mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and arthropods. Volunteering at the ENC has given me great understanding of how important it is to provide…

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