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Archives for 2017

ENC introduces community to local species through birdwatching basics workshop

By Lola Olvera, ENC Communications Intern Native plants attract native birds and the Environmental Nature Center is home to 3.5 acres of Orange County’s flora, and, consequently, its fauna. Native birds are in abundance at the ENC. Well over a hundred different types of birds have been spotted by our eagle-eyed visitors, including egrets, falcons,…

Newport Beach Film Festival

The Environmental Nature Center is once again a Community Partner of the Newport Beach Film Festival! We are co-presenting the screening of Environmental Short Documentaries on Saturday, April 22, at 1:15pm at Triangle Cinemas. Tickets available via the Newport Beach Film Festival website www.newportbeachfilmfest.com. Each film is listed separately (all scheduled to begin at April 22 @ 1:15 pm)….

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